How are Brands Leveraging Recycled Tote Bags
Recycled tote bags are all the rage with shoppers. One Oxford Strategy Group found that recycled tote bags that carry your brand identity have visibility equivalent to that of a billboard. The awareness about the benefits of using recycled tote bags is increasing among the masses as about 42% of people between the ages 30–49 years use them for grocery shopping.
As the general population becomes aware of the harmful impact of one-time-use plastic bags on the environment, they switch to reusable ones. Experts estimate that using one reusable tote bag, about 500 single-use bags can be saved. This is where you can leverage your brand by providing your customers with recycled and reusable tote bags with your brand’s name every time they shop with you.
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High Visibility
Tote bags with your brand’s name and logo have a high level of visibility, as they are bright and colorful. Tote bags are stiff, and this ensures that the name is visible. It is almost as if customers are carrying a placard with your brand’s name on it. This can yield excellent results in brand visibility and recall.
Indicator of Your CSR Efforts
Recycled bags indicate that your business is contributing its bit to corporate social responsibility. CSR is known to enhance brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Customers can infer the brand’s warmth and their efforts to make a better world. According to a Nielsen survey, customers were willing to pay 50% more for brands that used sustainable practices.
People Can Identify Your Logo from a Distance
Logos are synonymous with brands. For example, every time you see an apple with a bite taken from it, you relate it to the Apple brand, or the bright yellow M tells of a McDonald’s close by.
When customers carry recycled tote bags with your brand’s logo on them, it can have a similar effect. Using such bags, you can increase your brand’s awareness manifold. According to marketing gurus, brand awareness can have a significant impact on your sales.
Cost-Effective Marketing
Brand name recycled bags are a highly effective and low-cost marketing technique. They create more visibility, but the customers will recall your brand every time they use the bag. These frequent recalls mean yours will be the name that pops up in customers’ minds when they want to make a purchase. This gives you brownie points in the customer loyalty department.
Help Create Awareness Regarding Promotions And Events
When your company organizes a promotional event or something similar, you can hand out recycled tote bags to visitors. Not only does this display your generosity, but it also helps improve the perception of your brand. You earn your customer’s attention by adding a positive force into society.
Customers are Willing to Pay More to Eco-Friendly Companies
According to Forbes magazine, customers are willing to pay a premium when they know that they use eco-friendly products. Recycled tote bags are one such indication of your CSR efforts.
Boost the Bottom-Line
Using one-time plastic bags can get very expensive for your business. Governments are known to slap huge fees and fines on businesses that use products that have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, the use of recycled bags that can be reused is a great way to save on such penalties and the negative publicity that goes along with it.
Multi-Purpose Use
These bags can be used beyond shopping. Since they are highly durable and sturdy, they can be used for many other purposes apart from shopping. Customers may use it as a substitute for a purse, carry small items in it, or even use it for picnics in the park.
A Walking Menu of Your Services
If you have a specialty range of services and products, you can list them on the bag to increase awareness. You can also include your contact information for those who are interested. The bags include a short message about your business to increase awareness.
Esthetic Appeal
Last but not least, looks matter. When you hand over your merchandise to a customer, a tote bag looks more appealing than a limp plastic bag. These bags stand out among the crowd.
The bottom line is that branding messages can take just about any form. Who would have thought that recycled tote bags could have such an impact on your marketing campaign? These sturdy, reliable, and reusable bags can become your brand ambassador without you having to shell out a hefty fee. Now you have enough reasons to go environmental if you have not already.